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Dive into the World of Change with Belinda Baggs

If you’re a beach and surf enthusiast, you’re in for a treat! Meet Belinda Baggs, renowned for her elegant longboard skills and a fervent love for the ocean. As the co-founder of Surfers for Climate and a Global Sports Activist with Patagonia, she’s not just riding waves – she’s riding waves of change.


Belinda’s connection with the sea goes beyond sport; it’s a devotion. Her graceful surfing style mirrors her commitment to protecting marine life and the environment. From championing the successful Fight for the Bight campaign to being an Ambassador for Take 3 for the Sea, her influence ripples far and wide.

A mother and a passionate advocate, Belinda’s actions echo her dedication to a better world for future generations. Whether on her board or in her activism, she showcases the power of turning passion into impactful change.


We sat with Belinda to ask her a few questions.


Give us the spiel – why should people be supporting Surfers for Climate?
Surfers for Climate is a sea-roots movement dedicated to positive climate action. We have engaged surfing communities across the country to be a part of the solution. It’s our shared ocean playground and with a love for the ocean comes a responsibility to protect it. 
We have been opposing PEP11 for several years and are tired of fighting. It’s time we take it one step further drawing a line in the sand on all new oil, gas and related infrastructure in NSW waters to protect it from carbon-emitting fossil fools that threaten our coastline and add to global warming. 
Right now we have a unique opportunity to make a real difference effectively blocking sea mining off this pristine and cherished coastline. 
Draw a line in the sand with SFC to make history. 


Best wave and where?
Macaroni’s (Mentawai) I’m a sucker for a peeling left and this wave makes all the moves you have been trying to master for years possible. 


Favourite Beach and why?
Wherever I am that day…. We are so lucky here in Australia to be surrounded by so many amazing beaches, each unique and amazing. 


Where do you want to surf that you haven’t been?
Western Australia l. It’s on the bucket list and I can’t wait to spend a few months out west when the time is right. 


What do you think about when you’re sitting out there waiting for waves between sets?
I use this time to try and clear my head as much as possible and really only think about the waves, currents and any marine animals I might be lucky enough to encounter. 


Which surfer inspires you the most and why?
Lily Pollard – she has probably gotten more deep barrels than most people on the planet and always has a huge smile on her face! 


When did you get into surfing and how?
My dad taught me to surf when I was really young in Newcastle. 
Going to the beach was a family pastime so learning to ride was a rite of passage. I was obsessed from a young age and never changed. I’m very thankful for spending a life in and surrounded by the ocean and want to be able to give back as much as I’ve taken from this magical source of life. 


Is there one wave/surf spot that you can’t get out of your head?
I get very obsessed with the beach I had a recent good surf at. Right now it’s a wedgy beach break down on the surf coast. Long walk in and secluded. 


Climate change optimism: Amidst all the doom of what’s ahead, what is one thing that makes you optimistic for our future?
All the solutions that we need to solve this crisis already exist. From seaweed farms to renewable energy and tech innovations, we have the tools and know how required to make this change possible.  
If we don’t rapidly invest and implement these solutions the future is scary. I always think about my son Rayson who is now 12 years old. There is simply no option but to embrace the changes for the next generation.  


Takeaway: Name one thing everyone can easily do now to make a change?
Take a 1 minute survey to help surfers for climate draw a line in the sand on new oil and gas- https://surfersforclimate.org.au/blogs/surfers-for-climate/line-in-the-sand


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