This World Environment Day we're stoked to be an ocean friendly venue, certified by Surfrider Foundation.

Sunday 5th June is World Environment Day. The 2022 World Environment Day campaign #OnlyOneEarth calls for collective, transformative action on a global scale to celebrate, protect and restore our planet. This year we’ve decided to focus on protecting our beautiful ocean with Ocean Friendly certification. We are passionate about protecting Freshie Beach, our little place in the world that we call home.
As an Ocean Friendly venue we have committed as a business to help eliminate excessive plastics that are rapidly entering our local waters. The ultimate goal of this program is to encourage everyone to make small environmentally conscious decisions. This involves diminishing single use plastics and becoming more sustainable. The program kicked off in response to the increased pollution encapsulating the coastal zones. It ensures businesses reduce their impact on the planet by introducing ethically sourced products and produce. Luckily as a venue we have already implemented many planet friendly changes like undertaking efficient water and energy usage, as well as ensuring food is always ethically and locally sourced.
On Thursday 10th March Harbord Hotel partnered with Surfrider Foundation Australia and Freshwater Brewing Company for a day of fun celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Freshwater-Manly beach being a dedicated World Surf Reserve (WSR). This recognises the historical, cultural and environmental values of famous surfing beaches.
The day was a huge success, connecting locals and celebrating the waves. Together with Surfrider Foundation we held a community beach clean up at Freshwater beach, where we removed buckets of micro plastics and debris from entering our ocean. The most popular items we found were ear bud cleaners and red lids from small fish shaped soy sauce bottles, as well as hundreds of polystyrene balls.
Post clean-up, the party kicked off at Harbord Hotel, where we came together to raise funds for the amazing work Surfrider Foundation do in our community. We sank a few cans of Freshie Pils by Freshwater Brewing Company and snacked on lots of yummy food while listening to Kim Churchill who performed a phenomenal set.
Together with our mates at Freshwater Brewing Company we also donated every single beer sale on the night of Freshie Pils to Surfrider. Click the video below to check out our Save the Waves Freshie Beach event.
6 steps to ocean friendly
- No expanded polystyrene foam use
- No single use plastic straws
- No single use plastic tableware or utensils
- No water sold in plastic bottles
- No plastic bags offered for takeout orders
- Proper recycling practices are followed

Keep the good vibes flowing, and purchase one of our limited edition ‘Save the Waves’ Tees. With 100% of all profits going directly to Surfrider Foundation Australia. We’ve got them for Adults and also little groms. Get in quick before they sell out!